Board of Management

What is a Board of Management (BOM)?

The Board of Management is responsible for the management of the school on behalf of Educate Together, our patron. Boards of management are appointed for a four-year term. The principal is responsible for teaching and learning and the day-to-day management of the school, including guidance and direction of the teachers and other staff of the school, as well as the teaching and learning.

Who is on the BOM?

The Board of management is made up of two patron nominees, two elected parent nominees, the principal, an elected nominee from the teaching staff and two community nominees. The current board will remain in place until November 2027. Below you will find a list of the board members and their roles:

  • Patron Nominee & Chairperson: Mr Noel Gildea
  • Principal & Secretary: Séamus McCarthy
  • Teacher Nominee: Robert Quinn
  • Parent Nominee & Treasurer: Jacqueline O’Brien
  • Parent Nominee: Barry MacEvilly
  • Educate Together Nominee: Sara May
  • Community Nominee: Alan Tobin
  • Community Nominee: John Sullivan